からす 「Because these women know they do not have such a wish that they provide the expected answer. So, too, with my question.
But try to transcend the fictionalized nature of my inquiry. What if the above opportunity could be made available to you, with the cost for your agreement to be imposed on some stranger? It could be a Tibetan goat-herder, or a Florida chiropractor, or someone living a mile from you, but the surrogate will never be revealed. Do you think you might be tempted to seek such an enormous benefit at the expense of a remote other?
Let me try approaching this question from a more familiar angle. Let us suppose that some mysterious foreigners managed to pull off a major atrocity someplace in America, killing close to three thousand people. You become, understandably, both fearful and angry: fearful that you or your loved ones might be vulnerable to attack, and angry that someone could make you feel vulnerable. Your fear is enhanced by the anonymous nature of the attackers, so there is no clear target upon which, or whom, to focus your anger. 」